2025 GBA Salute to Business
Thursday May 22, 2025
Individual Tickets: $200
Megan Zelaski Why it matters: The event, started in 2003, recognizes and celebrates Gaston’s business leaders making significant economic and social impacts in Gaston County. What's next: Three prestigious business awards will be presented during the event. The Spirit of the Carolinas (sponsored by South State Bank), honors an individual behind the success of a company who has demonstrated leadership within their industry and citizenship within their community on a local, state, or national level. Date and Time
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM EDT
Table of 8 with Preferred Seating: $2,000Contact Information
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The Spirit of the Economy award (sponsored by First Horizon) is presented to a company contributing to the overall economic development efforts in Gaston County and North Carolina.
The Spirit of Main Street award (sponsored by MECA Commercial Real Estate) recognizes an established development project advancing shared prosperity, economic vitality, and quality of life in one of Gaston County’s numerous downtown districts